A migraine is a severe headache that usually only occurs on one side of the head. The pain can last for hours or days and typically begins with flashes of light or blind spots. Depending on the individual, migraines can make it near impossible to leave home due to the debilitating pain. If you suffer from frequent migraines you could benefit from scheduling an appointment with our chiropractor near East Northport.
Migraines often begin early in life towards childhood or early adolescence. There are four stages of a migraine which include prodrome, aura, headache, and post-drome although you may not experience all four stages. Symptoms of the stages of migraines include:
If you are suffering from frequent migraines, our chiropractor near East Northport can help you. Treatment for migraines may include the following:
At Suffolk County Chiropractic, our chiropractor near East Northport works to help you feel your best. Adjustments will help lessen the severity and frequency of migraines by releasing tension that is built up in the neck. If you believe that you could benefit from a chiropractic adjustment, call and make an appointment with our chiropractor near Huntington today!