Proper Shoveling Technique - Suffolk County Chiropractic - Chiropractor in Commack
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Proper Shoveling Technique

Well… winter has definitely arrived! There are a lot of patients with injuries that we see in our office this time of the season that could have been avoided. The proper knowledge in knowing how to stay safe in our icy, cold New York winters can save you an injury-related visit with our chiropractor in Commack, Dr. Papadopoulos.


Are you one of the family members that are responsible for snow removal? Are you maybe even the only one that does? If so, you know the hard work that goes into it. Surprisingly or not surprisingly, we have many people that hurt themselves shoveling and come into our office due to shoveling-related injuries. Today, you’re going to learn how to avoid injury and proper shoveling techniques.


Shoveling-Related Injuries

  • Muscle strains. It’s possible to spend hours outside shoveling your long driveway, which can overwork your muscles and cause muscle strain.
  • Lower-back injuries.
  • Heart-related problems.


Before Heading Outside…

  • Warm up your muscles. Going out in the snow abruptly without warming up can shock your muscles which will make them easier to strain. Do some jumping jacks or another full-body activity before heading outside.
  • Stretch. Your lower-back and hamstrings are the most important muscles to stretch before shoveling.
  • Purchase the right snow shovel. One with a curved handle or with adjustable length will limit your bending and help prevent injury in your lower back.


Proper Shoveling Techniques

  • Never pick up a pile of snow from the side. Make sure your whole body is facing towards the snow that you are about to pick up and lift.
  • After picking up the snow while facing it, do not twist your back to throw the snow to its new location. Move your entire body in the direction that you are placing the snow in.
  • Don’t try and be superman and lift a load that is too heavy for you.
  • Pace yourself and take frequent breaks.
  • When gripping the shovel, make sure there is distance between your hands.
  • Walk to the new location your snow is going to be instead of throwing the snow.
  • Wear the proper snow shoes with treads that will help you avoid falling.
  • Try and remove snow when it is fresh, as it is lighter to pick up.


If you have any questions regarding shoveling techniques, proper footwear, or anything else, contact our chiropractor in Commack.

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