You have probably never given much thought about your tailbone until you asked yourself, why does my tailbone hurt? Tailbone pain occurs right at the very bottom of your spine right above your buttocks, known as the coccyx. This pain can be caused by an injury or trauma, sitting on a hard or narrow surface for a long period of time, or progressive joint changes. The pain can go away on its own within a few weeks or months, however, our chiropractor in Commack can effectively help alleviate your pain.
Let’s help answer the question of why does my tailbone hurt? The tailbone pain may begin prior to experiencing a hard fall or other trauma that could have caused bruising or breaking the tailbone. Repetitive movements and general wear and tear can cause joint damage which can contribute to tailbone pain. The pain can feel dull and achy at times but it can become sharp when participating in certain activities, such as sitting or rising from being seated after a long period of time.
Tailbone pain can diminish over time, but to manage the pain it may help to:
If the pain is more severe and long-lasting, you should see a chiropractor. Our chiropractor in Commack offers chiropractic care and corrective exercises to help strengthen your back and it’s supportive muscles in order to prevent future injuries. Our holistic treatments options are safe, comfortable, and effective options for our patients.
If you are someone who suffers with tailbone pain and is seeking a chiropractor in Commack, Suffolk County Chiropractic can help you with your specific needs. Contact us to book an appointment today!