To describe, manual therapy is a treatment used by chiropractors to help cure musculoskeletal pain and disability. For the most part, this treatment combines joint movement in specific directions and differing speeds to help the patient regain movement and mobility. This type of therapy presents the idea that adjusting and stretching the affected area will benefit the patient by reducing pain and inflammation. Additionally, a chiropractor may knead and massage the area of pain to help relieve pressure. If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Commack, Dr. Papadopoulos can help you!
If you believe that manual therapy will benefit you, Suffolk County Chiropractic located in Commack is the place to contact. At our office, Dr. Greg Papadopoulos focuses on the diagnosis of disorders. The overall goal that will be achieved is pain reduction and improvement for the patient. During the consultation, we will observe the area where you are experiencing pain, as well as symptoms and case history. When the abnormal movement and non-functioning vertebrae are found, manual therapy may be necessary to reduce the congestion between the bones. By doing so, it will increase the range of motion and reduce irritations inside the nerves. This treatment is essential to help improve one’s overall function and stability.
As for specific techniques and treatments post manual therapy, our doctor will help you determine future adjustments.
At our chiropractic office in Commack, we use trustworthy methods, specifically manual therapy, and offer services in spinal correction for chiropractic adjustments. We provide a level of care for our patients that can not be experienced elsewhere. Dr. Greg Papadopoulos combines his experience and training to apply techniques that prevent injuries and relieve pain for patients. As a doctor, he offers safer, more effective, and more comfortable treatments for the patients. Suffolk County Chiropractic located in Commack, New York is the perfect practice to help you fulfill lifetime goals and return back to daily activities feeling better than ever. Make an appointment with our chiropractor in Commack today. For more information, please contact us at (631) 493-9397. We look forward to hearing from you!